
Womans Journey: December 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Colonoscopy , a ' technical mind ' that can save lives

Colon cancer is the most common tumor in Spain . Is it possible to prevent it? Maite Herraiz , digestive physician Prevention Unit Digestive Tumors of the University of Navarra explains why Efe explore the advantages of the large intestine outweigh the drawbacks.

 Herraiz part in the 35th National Day of the Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy , which highlights the importance of prevention of colon cancer and closes today in Madrid.

- What is colonoscopy and what is it ?
It is a noninvasive imaging test in which a tube is inserted - the endoscope - through the anus to explore the large intestine. Requires prior bowel cleansing . It is a diagnostic and therapeutic tool that allows us to both determine what is in the colon diseases like trying some of them. It usually lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Is there any risk to the patient undergoing this procedure ?
It may be a self-limiting bleeding without clinical significance or piercing the gut - break - although this only occurs in one of every thousand colonoscopies. The main drawback is that art is an annoying , because the colon is a folded cavity usually have to defuse blowing air to help see inside the walls . Therefore it is recommended to have this test under sedation : if the patient is more comfortable , the doctor may do a better job .
- This technique can prevent colon cancer ?
Yes We know that this type of cancer arises from a polyp , understood as a benign lesion of the colon called " premalignant " because it can become a tumor in 5% of cases. However, until this happens spend about ten years. Colonoscopy allows us to remove polyps to prevent this injury in some cases was already starting to become malignant , that is, to prevent cancer .
- How does a person know if you have polyps ?
Through testing as screening test for occult blood in stool , used to check for microscopic amounts of blood from polyps that are within the intestine. An estimated 25 % of men and between 15% and 20 % of women have polyps .
- What are the factors that increase the likelihood of developing colon cancer?
Age . From the age of 50 increases the risk of polyps appear . Also influence some health problems such as Crohn 's disease or ulcerative colitis, which causes chronic inflammation of the colon. Family history is another risk factor .
- How colon cancer is detected?
Advanced tumors are diagnosed by symptoms such as changes in bowel habits or blood in the stool. There are no symptoms in the early stages of the disease, in which there are more chances that the patient can be cured with surgery alone without chemotherapy.
- What is the prevalence of colon cancer?
It is the most common tumor diagnosed in Spain in adult women and men . In 2012 it was estimated that 33,000 people would be diagnosed this year in Spain and 400,000 in Europe. In Western countries there is an increasing trend of colon cancer, but in countries that have implemented prevention campaigns has shown that it has lowered the incidence of this disease , as is the case of the United States.
- And the survival rate ?
If the tumor is detected at an early stage , the percentage is over 90 %. When diagnosed through the patient's symptoms - in an advanced stage - , survival is under 50 % .

Habits that can save your marriage

 That love is like a flower that must be watered and cared for every day , it's something we all know, but sometimes forget . How to take care of a relationship , so stand firm and flourish ? For Ashley Davis Bush , counselor and expert on issues of family , the key is to integrate the day, small gestures that cultivate love , and that eventually turn into habits.

Author of several self-help books published Davis with her husband , " 75 habits for a happy marriage," where indeed share these simple grains of sand in the act for the relationship to grow as an oak.
"Remember that all divorced couples started being happy ," says the expert on The Huffington Post, where , like Psych Central , a known content page for the mentally - delivery tracks her loving health habits .
Here are some :
- That the first thing you say to your partner during the day are a good thing : Say you just get up "I'm very fortunate / a to be with you " is for Davis key to a happy marriage. If you find that your partner leaves the house before you wake up , send a message to the phone.
For the expert, begin the daily communication that well , clearly better with a discussion.
- Hugs for at least 20 seconds to your partner when you see again after work : According to Davis, it is worth accompany this gesture with phrases like " I'm so happy you have come to the house " or " I got yummy " . " (This ) is vital to reconnect after spending the day apart ," he says , explaining that a long hug stimulates oxytocin, also known as the love hormone , which is released during orgasm and when you are in love, and is so powerful that , according to scientists , helps keep the human being faithful .
- Thanks more : For Davis , it is essential to thank the couple of small details, as simple as having taken the trash, or helped to do any paperwork , whatever. " By using this habit every night , you will create a connection of assessment that will keep your relationship strong , even in difficult times ," he said .
" A happy marriage is two people who love each other and who are committed to give the best of each," he said , adding that the positive energy scenario generates gratitude and appreciation .
- Apart from vulnerability : Davis suggests paying attention to how to express needs , which sometimes are reported as critical . For example , instead of saying "me you're not paying attention! " Is something like " I miss you advised. Please talk to me for a while. "
- Stay in touch , compenétrate : The Minister also mentioned among the touching habits while eating either the hand or arm, and feel the breath of the couple at other times.
For example , says it's good to put your hand on your stomach or chest of another , so observe your breathing, and hopefully this should be accompanied eye to eye .
To build love , says Davis, is not necessary to work with pain. More simply , says that " if they make a loving behavior, you start to feel more love " , nothing more.

Doubles in size island of Japan born after volcanic eruption

The newly formed Japanese island emerged some 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo because of the strong volcanic activity has doubled in size in the last two weeks , reported the Japanese Coast Guard .

The new island now measures 250 meters wide ( 820 feet ) and 200 long ( 656 feet) and is located southeast of Nishinoshima uninhabited volcanic island , which belongs to the small archipelago of Ogasawara ( Tokyo prefecture ) very remote from the main island of Japan .
The Japanese Coast Guard flew over the island on Monday and saw a third crater on the island of volcanic magma emerges .
A Japanese expert volcanologist flew past the small islet week and said the new island will be permanent, since it seems that the magma has solidified and hardened on the surface.
Its size had already increased by more than 20 meters last week after the Japanese Coast Guard observe the November 21 first volcanic activity.
During that day , the Japanese Coast Guard picked spectacular images that you could see a column of white smoke about 600 meters and another cloud of black ash caused by violent explosions generated inside the volcano.
This is the first eruption that occurs with Nishinoshima in nearly 40 years, after which the island size increased between 1973 and 1974 also due to intense volcanic activity.
Nishinoshima is located 130 kilometers from the nearest inhabited island , so it is considered that its volcanic activity does not put any stock in danger.

NASA sown plants on the Moon in 2015

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA) cultivaránabos , basil and some herbs called arabidopsis on the moon in 2015 , according to a statement posted on its website quoted by Europa Press.

" If we send plants and thrive , then it is likely that (the man ) to " live or work on the Moon in the future, the group said . In addition , plants can provide " psychological comfort " to potential settlers.
How will they do ?
Experts are developing a sealed growth chamber that will land on the satellite. There, it will supply small quantities of water to a filter with a 100 nutrients to seeds dearabidopsis 10 turnips basil and 10 can be developed.
Scientists will study the effects of gravity and radiation on food. If the mean germination occurs in the minimum environmental Moon growth factors are available , among other effects. The findings help to know if one day the man may live or work there.

Avanza pill to ejaculate without sperm

The prospect of a " pill " that allows men to enjoy a fulfilling sex life without the worry of leaving a pregnant woman , is one step closer to becoming reality.
Scientists in Australia discovered how to avoid ejaculation with sperm. They also managed to reverse this effect .

Animal tests showed that sperm could " keep stored " during sex .
The findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
So far the task of creating a contraceptive pill for men had focused on making nonfunctional sperm out . But some drugs used for this purpose were as Sabatino Ventura , one of the researchers from Monash University , " intolerable side effects."
Current male contraceptives is based on the interruption of the production of hormones such as testosterone . The problem is that this can cause side effects such as irritability, mood changes and acne.
They can also lead to infertility , as well as having an effect on the sexual appetite or cause permanent alterations in sperm production .
Therefore, the most viable methods of male contraception are condoms or vasectomy , which is permanent .
The Monash team used a different approach.
Normally , just before ejaculation , the sperm out of the vas deferens to the testes .
What they did was modify the researchers genetically engineered mice so that they could not take the pressure of the vas deferens sperm .
" The sperm stays in the storage site so that when mice ejaculate no sperm ," he told the BBC Ventura .
"It's easily reversible and sperm was not affected, but we need to try (now) is that we can make the pharmacologically probably two drugs."
Changing your DNA , the panel made ​​the mice remain infertile to stop producing two proteins necessary for sperm movement .
For drugs
Researchers now need to identify a couple of drugs that can create the same effect . They believe that one of them has already been developed and has been used for decades in patients with benign prostate enlargements .
However, will have to work from scratch to detect the second , a process that can last a decade .
Proteins neutralized also have a role in controlling blood vessels , so it could have side effects on blood pressure and heart rate . It is also possible that there is an impact on the volume of semen ejaculated .
However, at least in mice , specialists only detected " a very small drop " in blood pressure .
Dr Allan Pacey , senior lecturer in andrology at Sheffield University , told the BBC it was a "very good" study. " It's almost like a biological vasectomy on sperm stops coming out ."
"It's a good idea ," he added . "They need to go ahead and see what happens to people."